Music & Movement

Photographer, Richard Brummett
Revitalizing the Love of Life
2018, solo performance
After I retired from The Flow Project in 2015, I suffered a reaction to the immune suppressant that I was taking for rheumatoid arthritis. I was hospitalized three times in seven months, once for over a month.
When I left the hospital, my rheumatologist and I agreed that I should not resume taking immune suppressants. I needed to find an alternative course of treatment.
Revitalizing the Love of Life told the story of my recovery from rheumatoid arthritis through dance and music.
I performed Revitalizing twice in 2018; first in Brighton, England, at the Arts of Management and Organization conference, where it received a standing ovation; then at Sylvia Center for the Arts in my hometown where it was sponsored by Western Washington University Palliative Care Institute and followed by two panel discussions; one with people who worked on Revitalizing, and one with my Integrated Health Team.
I was named for the Skye Boat Song in Fireside Book of Folk Songs.