Welcome to my website, a portal into how I see the world.
Three Wishes
A wish is more or less a prayer.
Farrar Burn
wish for
world peace,
the timeless union
of earth and heaven.
I wish for honor and
good-will among all
nations and peoples.
wish for a
global community
governed by the guiding
principle that we treat others
as we ourselves wish to be treated.
Skye Burn
The Story We Are Living is a literary artwork consisting of thirteen bi-monthly folios published over twenty-six months.
More than a story it’s non-fiction with a twist.
Paddy Bruce
Art Therapist, retired
Cover Artist
Richard Brummett was, without consultation, born in New York City in 1947. On his third escape attempt he found refuge on an obscure island off the west coast of his country. In this life, he has been a postulant in a monastery, a tank driver, a taxicab driver, a photojournalist in a war zone, a corporate photographer, and a (very) small town postmaster. Happiness was achieved when he met and married Skye Burn.